Sunshine & Lavender
Relax and unwind with our Lavender inspired candle. Our Sunshine & Lavender scented candle creates an aura of the French lavender fields of Provence, France. Combining rich lavender with fresh and uplifting lemon.
Notes: Lavender essential oil, Lemon essential oil.
Relax and unwind with our Lavender inspired candle. Our Sunshine & Lavender scented candle creates an aura of the French lavender fields of Provence, France. Combining rich lavender with fresh and uplifting lemon.
Notes: Lavender essential oil, Lemon essential oil.
Relax and unwind with our Lavender inspired candle. Our Sunshine & Lavender scented candle creates an aura of the French lavender fields of Provence, France. Combining rich lavender with fresh and uplifting lemon.
Notes: Lavender essential oil, Lemon essential oil.